MasterMind Project

MAnagement of mental health diSorders Through advancEd technology and seRvices – telehealth for the MIND

Main Goal: Evaluate the impact of the extension of cCBT services (computerised Cognitive Conductual Therapy) for adults with depression across Europe

Program: ICT-PSP

Code: PN-621000


The MasterMind Consortium to avoid dispersing efforts has narrowed the scope of the services to just one, non-organic, mental disorder: depression.

This because of its high incidence, social cost and proven clinical effectiveness of ICT in its treatment.

MasterMind intends:

1) to implement at scale (almost 5.000 patient overall) evidence based computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT) services for depressed adults across 9 EU and Associated Countries, 6 of which participate through Authorised National Representatives, and from this implementation:

    - Identify the barriers and success factors to implement cCBT on a large scale in different political, social, economic and technical health care contexts and from the perspective of different stakeholders such as patients, professionals and health insurances

    - Recommend successful strategies for implementing cCBT in these different contexts/settings.

2) Implement video conference enabled blended care for patients with depression treated in General Practice where the patient and GP have an interview with a specialist to support diagnosis, treatment planning, follow-up and education of both the patient and the GP. Using the lessons learnt, the Consortium will develop guidelines for promoting and facilitating the broader implementation across Europe of a safe, effective and efficient service supported by relevant stakeholders.

The project will also explore the implementation of language and culture specific cCBT services for foreign citizens living in EU countries and will produce localised version of cCBT (4 in total) for countries non represented in the Consortium to prepare the roll-out of cCBT in other areas of the EU. The outcome of the service will be evaluated using a widespread HTA-based rigorous multi-dimensional evaluation methodology, MAST, already in use in other Pilots A. The Consortium provides a balanced mix between pioneer and early followers and between Nothern and Southern, Eastern and Western Europe.


Region SyddanmarkDEN
Health Information Management SABEL
NHS ScotlandUK
Asociacion Centro de Excelencia Internacional en Investigación sobre CronicidadESP
Powys teaching Health BoardUK
Institute of Rural HealthUK
Stichting Vu-VumcHOL
Stichting GGZ IngeestHOL
Servicio Vasco de Salud OsakidetzaESP
Badalona Serveis Asistencials SAESP
Conselleria de Sanidade de GaliciaESP
Azienda Unita Locale Socio Sanitaria n9 Di Treviso ITA
Consorzio per il Sistema Informativo (Csi Piemonte)ITA
Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO3 - SC a DU Scuola di Sanità PubblicaITA
Middle East Technical UniversityTR
Phillipps Universitaet MarburgGER
Schön Holding GmbH & Co. KGGER
Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HFNOR
Tallinna TehnikaulikoolEST
European Alliance Against DepressionGER
Agency for Health and PreventionGRO

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