Innovation Unit


Our aim is to create a permanent innovation platform by means of electronic health and assistance. Besides contibuting to the excellence of the services proviced by the SALUD to the citizens, it must make the most of the cooperation among associated members, to optimize resources, to reduce costs, and to ease the management model, being able to transform its experience and its knowledge into resources, products and services for the SALUD and into economic tissue (employment and economic wealth) at the local and regional levels.

Generic Goal

To drive ICTs utilization within the Aragonais Health Service (Salud), with the main objectives of increasing knowledge management, empowering working networks among its professionals, moving forward through excellence in the provided services and contributing to its own sustainability.

Specific Goals

- To align the e-Health innovation process with the SALUD guidelines, strategies and priorities.

- To promote e-Health innovation within the SALUD through re-engineering healthcare processes, by joining up ICTs as tool to motivate, to make services more sustainable and to lead them to excellence.

- To head e-Health products and services design at a regional, national and international level, positioning Aragon on the international map of e-Health innovation.

- To ease a quick innovation transfer to the SALUD centres and their professionals, in order to improve the quality of the healthcare services provided to citizens.

- To make the most of existing know-how and experience by working with strategic alliances. To take into account working with different partners internal organization needs.

- To ease educational investigation alignment with healthcare needs and to drive ICT companies to increase their competitive advantage.

- To ensure the application of ethic, deontological and legal principles within the biomedical innovation context.

- To disseminate scientific results obtained from the innovation process and to ease the knowledge around the goals that have been met.

- To ease the creation of economic tissue at a local and regional level. To act as a breeding ground of ideas and as a business incubator for companies that will materialize new services and processes. These new services and processes will be exploit by the whole organization and would be market at the national and international level.

- To gather external financial resources and to have management autonomy for the e-Health innovation process . To have a legal personality to gather external resources beyond public funding with grants.


Sector Sanitario de Barbastro
Hospital de Barbastro
Unidad de Innovación
Ctra Nacional 240 s/n
22300 Barbastro (Huesca) SPAIN
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