You are here: Home Innovation Active Projects Procure4Health Project

A network for healthcare procurement of innovation

Main Goal:

The objective is to create a network/community/ecosystem of procurers and relevant stakeholders in PPI.

Program: HORIZON 2.1 - Health

Code: 101057209


Innovative solutions are key to the efficient delivery of better public services with long-term value for money. Public procurement of innovation (PPI) guarantees transparent and efficient processes facilitating equal access and open competition. The EU-funded Procure4Health project will create a network/community/ecosystem of procurers and stakeholders in healthcare PPI. It will focus on the procurers by attracting both experienced and not experienced procurers and empowering all the actors involved in PPI through this network. Procure4Health will analyse the current obstacles and needs of procurers and design tools that can facilitate PPI for all the actors involved.

The idea is to empower all the actors involved in PPI through this network, focusing on the procurers. We need to attract both experienced procurers and not experienced procurers if we want to succeed in this. We will also need to analyse current barriers and needs of procurers, and then create and shared tools to facilitate PPI for all the actors involved.


NHS National Services ScotlandGBR
Conselleria de Sanidade de GaliciaESP
Servicio Aragonés de SaludESP
Servicio Andaluz de SaludESP
Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud M.PESP
Zenit Zentrum fur Innovation und Technik in Nordrhein-Westfalen GMBHDEU
Reseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers IDFFRA
European health public procurement alliance (EHPPA)FRA
Sykehusinnkjop HFNOR
Corvers Procurement Services BVNLD
E-procurement Services BVNLD
Ticbiomed Tecnologías de la Información para la Salud en la Región de Murcia AsociaciónESP
Health Care Without Harm EuropeBEL
Innovation Skane ABSWE
Region SkaneSWE
Empirica Gesellschaft fur Kommunikations und Technologieforschung mbHDEU
Science & Innovation link office SLESP
Zespol Opieki Zdrowotnej w Suchej BeskidzkiejPOL
Turkiye cumhuriyeti saglik bakanligiTUR
Axencia Galega para a Xestion do Conecemento en SaudeESP
SPMS - Servicos Partilhados do Ministerio da Saude epePRT
Wojewodzki Szpital Specjalistyczny W OlsztyniePOL
Azienda Regionale per l'innovazionee Gli acquisti S.P.A.ITA
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la SaludESP
Sihtasutus Pohja-Eesti RegionaalhaiglaEST
5 Ygionomiki Periferia Thessalias & Stereas ElladasGRC
Panepistimio ThessaliasGRC
Region VasterbottenSWE
Atrys Portugal Centro Medico Avancado SAPRT
Region HovedstadenDNK
Mercurhosp asblBEL
Velindre National Health Service TrustGBR
Swansea UniversityGBR