First Milestone: Basic Services
- To incorporate telecounselling services: Specialists located at the Hospital can make virtual consultations to patients located at the primary care centre
- To incorporate telecounselling: Virtual counselling between Specialists and GPs and among all the specialist services
Highlighted Results:
- Tele-retinography
Importance of early diagnosis
First cause of blindness in patients between 10 and 70 years old
- Tele-dermatology
Asynchronous Internal Consultations. Data and medical images are obtained in primary care. Diagnosed and therapeutic advice is given by the dermatologist
> 80% cases solved
- Teleictus
Benefit for more than 300 patients per year. Not a big number of patients, but with a very important impact.
Second Milestone: Telemonitoring
To design and to implement a service oriented to chronic patient. This service integrates tele-assistance from a social point of view and preventive monitorization of vital signs from the health care side.
DREAMING: Teleassistance and vital signs telemonitoring for chronic autonomous patients at their homes.
PITES: Telemonitoring of chronic dependent patients in deep cooperation with volunteers from social organizations.
RESATER: Healthcare and telemedicine at rural environments. Inclussion of patients living at nursing homes .
SMARTCARE: Telemonitorization in associative environments
PITES T-ASISTE: Hospitalization at home
STIPP: Telemonitoring at places out of reach for normal healthcare services
Third Milestone: Third Generation Services
SUSTAINS Project: Empowering patients to play a more active role in the management of their health.
Hospital del Mundo Project : To break barriers in specialized healthcare, by creating monographic virtual services around virtual hospitals, going beyond geographic restrictions if necessary.